03/12/2015 15:39
Since this early year, Hoa Phat steel output has stabilized the high amount and been providing continuously for many important projects. The Company is on the way to accomplish 2008 year’s plan with 250.000 tons constructive steel consumption and achieve 100% of designed capacity.
Although the material prices of steel manufacture has risen rapidly, Hoa Phat Steel is still well-prepared the input material for manufacturing and to meet the market’s demand timely. Some significant works using Hoa Phat steel are: Hanoi Complex City Tower; Tranh River Hydroelectric Plant; Vinh Trung Plaza, Da Nang Green Plaza; Thuan Tuoc Bridge; International Post Centre in Region III and other hydroelectric plants in the Middle named: Kont River, A Vuong, An Khe Kanak, Se San 3,4 (Gia Lai)…
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